Monday, March 23, 2009

Prepping the grow space

Last year's garden was a bit underwhelming (we still had plenty of zucchinis). Though I've been gardening since I was a small child, it was my first full-fledged foray into small-scale urban agriculture. This year we're more than doubling the grow space. So far we've roto-tilled about half of the new area and today we will (attempt to) tackle the rest (weather permitting).

Some pictures of the initial tilling from a few weeks ago:

Nathan starting to till

Me, David and Nathan hacking it up (yeah I'm wearing slippers)

Clumps of grass and dirt which we'll now sift to remove unwanted roots

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mars,
    John's Mom here. I think your blog is totally awesome! Joe and I are definitely taking notes, as we are planting no later than April 26th.
