Sunday, April 26, 2009

Seedling Sale/First Sprouts

Yesterday I dropped off two trays of extra seedlings at a garage sale my parents were having as part of the Great Mukilteo Garage Sale. About two dozen plants, mostly tomatoes of different varieties, a few eggplants, basil and cilantro. At a dollar a piece they sold out quickly. I made twenty-four dollars! Not bad, at least enough to recoup some of the cost of seed.

While the family was busy selling the plants I went garage sale-ing with my friend Landon. I was able to find all of the things I was looking for: a whole slew of plastic pots of various sizes, a couple of new flourescent fixtures, and a box full of mason jars for canning at the end of the growing season. All told those items cost less than $10 combined!

When I visited the garden this morning I noticed that the first seeds I sowed last week have begun sprouting. Mostly the spinach, but also several beans and peas. It will be important to keep the rows moist during this critical stage of the seedlings emergence until they have established a few true leaves. A thorough watering (about 2 liters for each 13' row, from the rain barrel of course) every morning should be sufficient to keep them moist without drowning them. The broccoli transplants seem healthy, although a few cold nights this past week have kept them from putting on too much new growth. At any rate they seem to be adjusting well to their new home.

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