Monday, August 10, 2009

The Patient Gardener

According to the forecasts I've been reading lately, we're finally going to get some rain in Seattle. Almost seems strange... And not just a sprinkling, but steady, heavy rainfall this afternoon through tomorrow. Hopefully it will recharge the water table enough that I can avoid watering the garden for the next little bit.

In my gardening endeavors, I have learned many things, and have too many more yet to learn. Aside from all the technical information and facts though, the most important thing I have learned thus far has been patience. Hard to believe that I planted tomato seeds indoors over 5 months ago, and am only now beginning to reap the reward. Indeed I have even begun to display the slightest bit of impatience at how long the fruits have remained green. Only a very few of them have ripened. Corralling one's desires is no easy task.

A small handful of tomatoes and an ancho pepper picked this morning

I have realized that gardening, like life itself, is more about the processes and (seemingly) endless toiling rather than the final result. If you cannot find enjoyment in these things along the way, you will likely be disappointed when winter bears down. Silly as it sounds, some of my best memories of the garden this year involved some of the hardest work, in preparing the soil and planting the seeds and seedlings. The valuable lessons I will have learned from all this work will exceed any physical bounty I pull from the ground or off the vine, though those are certainly fringe benefits.

Quinoa continues to be a garden success story. I almost can't wait for the first frost so that I can finally harvest it.


  1. You gotta let those anchos grow! That's child abuse.

  2. Ha! I had no choice in the matter. Someone or something had broken off the branch that it was growing on so I was really only salvaging it.
