Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Wild Harvest

The landscape in recent weeks has seen the full flushing of spring, in the blooming horsetails, budding nettles and other so-called weeds that are otherwise overlooked by your average urbanite. When this time of year rolls around I can't help but keep my eyes trained to the ground in search of wild edibles. Ever since receiving a useful little book called Wild Harvest: Edible Plants Of The Pacific Northwest by Terry Domico as a gift several years ago, I've been munching springtime edibles whenever I find them.

I recently had the idea to organize a field trip (ha! elementary school) to Seattle's Discovery Park to hunt wild edibles and to follow it up with the harvested feast. If anyone is interested or available to meet me at my house this Friday, May 15th, in the late morning or possibly afternoon depending on schedules, I will be orchestrating a venture to find some good, free eats from the park (I'm pretty sure this is legal). If the weather chooses not to agree with my scheduling we can always set it up another time in the near future.

I've got the literature (with pictures!) and will be more than happy to teach whomever wants to tag along about all the local flora that's not just pretty to look at but that you can eat too!

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