Monday, April 18, 2011

rain garden phase 3 & 4

Today marks the near completion of the rain garden. Several days ago the soil mix (compost, existing soil, sand) was back-filled and stirred to an even consistency (as a shovel will allow). Then...planted! Following the instructions provided by our (very) official rain garden literature, different species were located according to their tolerance for standing water in one of three 'zones' determined by varying depths within the garden. Emergents (those plants most tolerant) are planted in zone 1, where water will occasionally pond in times of heavy rainfall. Those less tolerant are planted along the fringes and other, slightly higher levels. Rocks salvaged from excavation are placed at the inflow (where run-off originates in the garden) and outflow (where water is directed). Wood chip mulch is spread to prevent the inflows' potentially erosive effects. All that remains to do is trim the inflow pipe and wait for a substantial rain to determine if everything works as designed.

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