Monday, March 14, 2011

doors open...

...and all we have to do is walk through them. A friend's father has been gracious enough to employ me to install a gardening space in the backyard of his suburban home. The plan as it stands is to create an 8'x8' vegetable patch, plant rhubarb, various adapted berry bushes and a perennial herb garden. To the drawing board and praying rains subside long enough to allow the ground to be workable.

The remnants from last years' garden (1st attempt), a 4'x8' plot that will double in size (and productivity, we will hope). A moss-filled lawn indicates acidic soil (typical Northwest conditions), which will be amended with limestone, gypsum, green sand, phosphate and compost to boost fertility and give the veggies a better shot at expressing their full genetic (and flavor!) potential.

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