Saturday, October 24, 2009

Winter Cover Sprouted

After about a week, the cover crop seeds that Christian and I planted began to poke up in the recently cleared garden. The mix, which includes crimson clover, barley, buckwheat and some other varieties I can't seem to remember off hand, has performed very well considering the rather cool temperatures we've had lately. The absence of frost likely has much to do with their success.

A ground view of the cover crop:

The reasons to plant cover crop are many. It prevents erosion (something which can take a toll during our typically rainy winters), is more aesthetically pleasing than bare dirt, prevents other weeds from taking over in the absence of other vegetable crops, and, prior to spring planting, can be dug and turned right back into the soil to decompose and give the new crop a bit of a nutrient boost (as it decomposes quickly and makes many nutrients available to the surrounding soil).

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